Amafood – Food free from Gluten, Sugar, Lactose

A fine choice for breakfast

Granola as a snack or a wholesome meal is not only crunchy and tasty, but it also provides us with necessary energy for our activities. You have to be careful about the ingredients in granola. Quality Amafood granolas only contain ingredients from our kitchen or a nearby specialized store.

Some products substitute more expensive, but quality ingredients – nuts and seeds – with sweeteners, which results in a high calorific value. On average, quality granolas contain up to 300 calories per a 50 gram meal. Products with a high content of sweeteners also contain significantly more calories.

The most important is the sugar content because even small amounts of sugar increase the number of calories. Many products contain added sugars under different names, such as fructose, corn syrup, sugar syrup, honey, maltose, maple syrup, lactose, dextrose, molasses, nectar, sucrose and the like.

Quality ingredients

A great day begins with a good breakfast. Quality Amafood granola contains nuts, seeds, dried fruit, aromatic plants, dark chocolate and coconut, which represent a source of nutrients, proteins, fats and fibre. Particularly important is the right proportion of ingredients, so that every bite offers exquisite aroma and nutritional balance. Only quality nuts, seeds, coconut, dried fruit or chocolate give a full flavour and natural sweetness, so there is no need to add refined sugar.

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