Amafood – Food free from Gluten, Sugar, Lactose


The right amount for one meal

The right amount for one meal Granola is an excellent choice for a perfect meal due to a variety of different ingredients. As granola is compact, one portion should not be the same as one portion of muesli. If you eat one cup of muesli for one meal, you should eat a third of a

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A quick granola dessert

A quick granola dessert Sometimes the day simply starts too fast and we do not have time for a tasty meal of granola to accompany our daily adventures. Even though we eat some other food, a crunchy snack is always on our mind, so we cannot wait to come home and enjoy a tasty dessert.

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Granola s svežim grškim jogurtom in kokosom

Granola and tasty home-made almond milk

Granola and tasty home-made almond milk A tasty and nutritious snack helps us boost the morale when we are having a bad day. At such a time we could use a meal of granola with tasty almond or hazelnut milk. In most well-stocked stores you can find almond, hazelnut, soya or rice milk. Yet, all

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Vegan diet

Vegan diet A vegan diet means excluding all forms of exploitation and cruelty towards animals. This means exploitation for the purpose of making food, clothes or other purposes.  A vegan diet excludes animal meat and all products made by exploiting animals, such as eggs, dairy products and the like. Vegan food includes cereals, nuts, seeds,

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Packaging and information

Packaging and information The product’s packaging includes essential information. Especially important for consumers is the expiration date, by which you have to use the granola. After that date, the nutritional values, texture, crunchiness and taste of the product change slightly. Foodstuffs should only be stored in a dry and dark space. Proper storage When granola

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A meal for active people

A meal for active people Granola is perfect for sportsmen or physically active people. A larger amount of granola with Greek yogurt can quickly make up for burnt calories and provide additional proteins. Amafood products do not contain additional sweeteners, so you can add honey or maple syrup if you need more calories. As cereals

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