Granola is an excellent choice for a perfect meal due to a variety of different ingredients. As granola is compact, one portion should not be the same as one portion of muesli. If you eat one cup of muesli for one meal, you should eat a third of a cup less of granola. The nuts and seeds (healthy fats) content will make you feel full despite the smaller portion. Fats in nuts prolong the feeling of fullness. For an average person, 30 g of Amafood granola makes a complete meal.
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In order to prepare the right amount, we recommend that you weigh it or use a measuring cup. It is even better to eat granola only as an addition to Greek yogurt. Put some fresh fruit into a cup of Greek yogurt and add granola. In such a way, you can eat granola several times a day – whenever you crave for something sweet. Granola should become your favorite crunchy meal.
A royal dessert to satisfy your cravings for something crunchy is readily available… When you are not in a hurry, you can also prepare it with vanilla pudding.